
Source code for easyfl.client.base

import argparse
import copy
import logging
import time

import torch

from easyfl.client.service import ClientService
from easyfl.communication import grpc_wrapper
from easyfl.distributed.distributed import CPU
from easyfl.pb import common_pb2 as common_pb
from easyfl.pb import server_service_pb2 as server_pb
from easyfl.protocol import codec
from easyfl.tracking import metric
from easyfl.tracking.client import init_tracking
from easyfl.tracking.evaluation import model_size

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def create_argument_parser():
    """Create argument parser with arguments/configurations for starting remote client service.

        argparse.ArgumentParser: Parser with client service arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Federated Client')
                        help='Listen port of the client')
                        help='Address of server in [IP]:[PORT] format')
                        help='Address of tracking service in [IP]:[PORT] format')
                        help='Whether start as a remote client.')
    return parser

[docs]class BaseClient(object): """Default implementation of federated learning client. Args: cid (str): Client id. conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. train_data (:obj:`FederatedDataset`): Training dataset. test_data (:obj:`FederatedDataset`): Test dataset. device (str): Hardware device for training, cpu or cuda devices. sleep_time (float): Duration of on hold after training to simulate stragglers. is_remote (bool): Whether start remote training. local_port (int): Port of remote client service. server_addr (str): Remote server service grpc address. tracker_addr (str): Remote tracking service grpc address. Override the class and functions to implement customized client. Example: >>> from easyfl.client import BaseClient >>> class CustomizedClient(BaseClient): >>> def __init__(self, cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, **kwargs): >>> super(CustomizedClient, self).__init__(cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, **kwargs) >>> pass # more initialization of attributes. >>> >>> def train(self, conf, device=CPU): >>> # Implement customized client training method, which overwrites the default training method. >>> pass """ def __init__(self, cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, sleep_time=0, is_remote=False, local_port=23000, server_addr="localhost:22999", tracker_addr="localhost:12666"): self.cid = cid self.conf = conf self.train_data = train_data self.train_loader = None self.test_data = test_data self.test_loader = None self.device = device self.round_time = 0 self.train_time = 0 self.test_time = 0 self.train_accuracy = [] self.train_loss = [] self.test_accuracy = 0 self.test_loss = 0 self.profiled = False self._sleep_time = sleep_time self.compressed_model = None self.model = None self._upload_holder = server_pb.UploadContent() self.is_remote = is_remote self.local_port = local_port self._server_addr = server_addr self._tracker_addr = tracker_addr self._server_stub = None self._tracker = None self._is_train = True if conf.track: self._tracker = init_tracking(init_store=False)
[docs] def run_train(self, model, conf): """Conduct training on clients. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to train. conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. Returns: :obj:`UploadRequest`: Training contents. Unify the interface for both local and remote operations. """ self.conf = conf if conf.track: self._tracker.set_client_context(conf.task_id, conf.round_id, self.cid) self._is_train = True self.track(metric.TRAIN_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, model_size(model)) self.decompression() self.pre_train() self.train(conf, self.device) self.post_train() self.track(metric.TRAIN_ACCURACY, self.train_accuracy) self.track(metric.TRAIN_LOSS, self.train_loss) self.track(metric.TRAIN_TIME, self.train_time) if conf.local_test: self.test_local() self.compression() self.track(metric.TRAIN_UPLOAD_SIZE, model_size(self.compressed_model)) self.encryption() return self.upload()
[docs] def run_test(self, model, conf): """Conduct testing on clients. Args: model (nn.Module): Model to test. conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. Returns: :obj:`UploadRequest`: Testing contents. Unify the interface for both local and remote operations. """ self.conf = conf if conf.track: reset = not self._is_train self._tracker.set_client_context(conf.task_id, conf.round_id, self.cid, reset_client=reset) self._is_train = False self.track(metric.TEST_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, model_size(model)) self.decompression() self.pre_test() self.test(conf, self.device) self.post_test() self.track(metric.TEST_ACCURACY, float(self.test_accuracy)) self.track(metric.TEST_LOSS, float(self.test_loss)) self.track(metric.TEST_TIME, self.test_time) return self.upload()
[docs] def download(self, model): """Download model from the server. Args: model (nn.Module): Global model distributed from the server. """ if self.compressed_model: self.compressed_model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict()) else: self.compressed_model = copy.deepcopy(model)
[docs] def decompression(self): """Decompressed model. It can be further implemented when the model is compressed in the server.""" self.model = self.compressed_model
[docs] def pre_train(self): """Preprocessing before training.""" pass
[docs] def train(self, conf, device=CPU): """Execute client training. Args: conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. device (str): Hardware device for training, cpu or cuda devices. """ start_time = time.time() loss_fn, optimizer = self.pretrain_setup(conf, device) self.train_loss = [] for i in range(conf.local_epoch): batch_loss = [] for batched_x, batched_y in self.train_loader: x, y =, optimizer.zero_grad() out = self.model(x) loss = loss_fn(out, y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() batch_loss.append(loss.item()) current_epoch_loss = sum(batch_loss) / len(batch_loss) self.train_loss.append(float(current_epoch_loss)) logger.debug("Client {}, local epoch: {}, loss: {}".format(self.cid, i, current_epoch_loss)) self.train_time = time.time() - start_time logger.debug("Client {}, Train Time: {}".format(self.cid, self.train_time))
[docs] def post_train(self): """Postprocessing after training.""" pass
[docs] def pretrain_setup(self, conf, device): """Setup loss function and optimizer before training.""" self.simulate_straggler() self.model.train() loss_fn = self.load_loss_fn(conf) optimizer = self.load_optimizer(conf) if self.train_loader is None: self.train_loader = self.load_loader(conf) return loss_fn, optimizer
def load_loss_fn(self, conf): return torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
[docs] def load_optimizer(self, conf): """Load training optimizer. Implemented Adam and SGD.""" if conf.optimizer.type == "Adam": optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), else: # default using optimizer SGD optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(),, momentum=conf.optimizer.momentum, weight_decay=conf.optimizer.weight_decay) return optimizer
[docs] def load_loader(self, conf): """Load the training data loader. Args: conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. Returns: Data loader. """ return self.train_data.loader(conf.batch_size, self.cid, shuffle=True, seed=conf.seed)
[docs] def test_local(self): """Test client local model after training.""" pass
[docs] def pre_test(self): """Preprocessing before testing.""" pass
[docs] def test(self, conf, device=CPU): """Execute client testing. Args: conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. device (str): Hardware device for training, cpu or cuda devices. """ begin_test_time = time.time() self.model.eval() loss_fn = self.load_loss_fn(conf) if self.test_loader is None: self.test_loader = self.test_data.loader(conf.test_batch_size, self.cid, shuffle=False, seed=conf.seed) # TODO: make evaluation metrics a separate package and apply it here. self.test_loss = 0 correct = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for batched_x, batched_y in self.test_loader: x = y = log_probs = self.model(x) loss = loss_fn(log_probs, y) _, y_pred = torch.max(log_probs, -1) correct += y_pred.eq( self.test_loss += loss.item() test_size = self.test_data.size(self.cid) self.test_loss /= test_size self.test_accuracy = 100.0 * float(correct) / test_size logger.debug('Client {}, testing -- Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.2f}%)'.format( self.cid, self.test_loss, correct, test_size, self.test_accuracy)) self.test_time = time.time() - begin_test_time self.model = self.model.cpu()
[docs] def post_test(self): """Postprocessing after testing.""" pass
[docs] def encryption(self): """Encrypt the client local model.""" # TODO: encryption of model, remember to track encrypted model instead of compressed one after implementation. pass
[docs] def compression(self): """Compress the client local model after training and before uploading to the server.""" self.compressed_model = self.model
[docs] def upload(self): """Upload the messages from client to the server. Returns: :obj:`UploadRequest`: The upload request defined in protobuf to unify local and remote operations. Only applicable for local training as remote training upload through a gRPC request. """ request = self.construct_upload_request() if not self.is_remote: self.post_upload() return request self.upload_remotely(request) self.post_upload()
[docs] def post_upload(self): """Postprocessing after uploading training/testing results.""" pass
[docs] def construct_upload_request(self): """Construct client upload request for training updates and testing results. Returns: :obj:`UploadRequest`: The upload request defined in protobuf to unify local and remote operations. """ data = codec.marshal(server_pb.Performance(accuracy=self.test_accuracy, loss=self.test_loss)) typ = common_pb.DATA_TYPE_PERFORMANCE try: if self._is_train: data = codec.marshal(copy.deepcopy(self.compressed_model)) typ = common_pb.DATA_TYPE_PARAMS data_size = self.train_data.size(self.cid) else: data_size = 1 if not self.test_data else self.test_data.size(self.cid) except KeyError: # When the datasize cannot be get from dataset, default to use equal aggregate data_size = 1 m = self._tracker.get_client_metric().to_proto() if self._tracker else common_pb.ClientMetric() return server_pb.UploadRequest( task_id=self.conf.task_id, round_id=self.conf.round_id, client_id=self.cid, content=server_pb.UploadContent( data=data, type=typ, data_size=data_size, metric=m, ), )
[docs] def upload_remotely(self, request): """Send upload request to remote server via gRPC. Args: request (:obj:`UploadRequest`): Upload request. """ start_time = time.time() self.connect_to_server() resp = self._server_stub.Upload(request) upload_time = time.time() - start_time m = metric.TRAIN_UPLOAD_TIME if self._is_train else metric.TEST_UPLOAD_TIME self.track(m, upload_time)"client upload time: {}s".format(upload_time)) if resp.status.code == common_pb.SC_OK:"Uploaded remotely to the server successfully\n") else: logger.error("Failed to upload, code: {}, message: {}\n".format(resp.status.code, resp.status.message))
# Functions for remote services.
[docs] def start_service(self): """Start client service.""" if self.is_remote: grpc_wrapper.start_service(grpc_wrapper.TYPE_CLIENT, ClientService(self), self.local_port)
[docs] def connect_to_server(self): """Establish connection between the client and the server.""" if self.is_remote and self._server_stub is None: self._server_stub = grpc_wrapper.init_stub(grpc_wrapper.TYPE_SERVER, self._server_addr)"Successfully connected to gRPC server {}".format(self._server_addr))
[docs] def operate(self, model, conf, index, is_train=True): """A wrapper over operations (training/testing) on clients. Args: model (nn.Module): Model for operations. conf (omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig): Client configurations. index (int): Client index in the client list, for retrieving data. TODO: improvement. is_train (bool): The flag to indicate whether the operation is training, otherwise testing. """ try: # Load the data index depending on server request self.cid = self.train_data.users[index] except IndexError: logger.error("Data index exceed the available data, abort training") return if self.conf.track and self._tracker is None: self._tracker = init_tracking(init_store=False) if is_train:"Train on data index {}, client: {}".format(index, self.cid)) self.run_train(model, conf) else:"Test on data index {}, client: {}".format(index, self.cid)) self.run_test(model, conf)
# Functions for tracking.
[docs] def track(self, metric_name, value): """Track a metric. Args: metric_name (str): The name of the metric. value (str|int|float|bool|dict|list): The value of the metric. """ if not self.conf.track or self._tracker is None: logger.debug("Tracker not available, Tracking not supported") return self._tracker.track_client(metric_name, value)
[docs] def save_metrics(self): """Save client metrics to database.""" # TODO: not tested if self._tracker is None: logger.debug("Tracker not available, no saving") return self._tracker.save_client()
# Functions for simulation.
[docs] def simulate_straggler(self): """Simulate straggler effect of system heterogeneity.""" if self._sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(self._sleep_time)
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