
Tutorial 3: Datasets

In this note, we present how to use the out-of-the-box datasets to simulate different federated learning (FL) scenarios. Besides, we introduce how to use the customized dataset in EasyFL.

We currently provide four out-of-the-box datasets: FEMNIST, Shakespeare, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100. FEMNIST and Shakespeare are adopted from LEAF benchmark. We plan to integrate and provide more out-of-the-box datasets in the future.

Out-of-the-box Datasets

The simulation of different FL scenarios is configured in the configurations. You can refer to the other tutorial to learn more about how to modify configs. In this note, we focus on how to config the datasets with different simulations.

The following are dataset configurations.

  # The root directory where datasets are stored.
  root: "./data/"
  # The name of the dataset, support: femnist, shakespeare, cifar10, and cifar100.
  dataset: femnist
    # The data distribution of each client, support: iid, niid (for femnist and shakespeare), and dir and class (for cifar datasets).
    # `iid` means independent and identically distributed data.
    # `niid` means non-independent and identically distributed data for FEMNIST and Shakespeare.
    # `dir` means using Dirichlet process to simulate non-iid data, for CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets.
  # `class` means partitioning the dataset by label classes, for datasets like CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100.
  split_type: "iid"

  # The minimal number of samples in each client. It is applicable for LEAF datasets and dir simulation of CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100.
  min_size: 10
  # The fraction of data sampled for LEAF datasets. e.g., 10% means that only 10% of the total dataset size is used.
  data_amount: 0.05
  # The fraction of the number of clients used when the split_type is 'iid'.
  iid_fraction: 0.1
    # Whether partition users of the dataset into train-test groups. Only applicable to femnist and shakespeare datasets.
    # True means partitioning users of the dataset into train-test groups.
  # False means partitioning each users' samples into train-test groups.
  user: False
  # The fraction of data for training; the rest are for testing.
  train_test_split: 0.9

  # The number of classes in each client. Only applicable when the split_type is 'class'.  
  class_per_client: 1
  # The targeted number of clients to construct.used in non-leaf dataset, number of clients split into. for leaf dataset, only used when split type class.
  num_of_clients: 100
  # The parameter for Dirichlet distribution simulation, applicable only when split_type is `dir` for CIFAR datasets.
  alpha: 0.5

    # The targeted distribution of quantities to simulate data quantity heterogeneity.
    # The values should sum up to 1. e.g., [0.1, 0.2, 0.7].
    # The `num_of_clients` should be divisible by `len(weights)`.
  # None means clients are simulated with the same data quantity.
  weights: NULL

Among them, root is applicable to all datasets. It specifies the directory to store datasets.

EasyFL automatically downloads a dataset if it is not exist in the root directory.

Next, we introduce the simulation and configuration for specific datasets.

FEMNIST and Shakespeare Datasets

The following are basic stats of these two datasets.


  • Overview: Image Dataset

  • Details: 3500 users, 62 different classes (10 digits, 26 lowercase, 26 uppercase), images are 28 by 28 pixels (with option to make them all 128 by 128 pixels)

  • Task: Image Classification


  • Overview: Text Dataset of Shakespeare Dialogues

  • Details: 1129 users (reduced to 660 with our choice of sequence length.)

  • Task: Next-Character Prediction

The datasets are non-IID (independent and identically distributed) in nature.

split_type: There are two options for these two datasets: iid and niid, representing IID data simulation and non-IID data simulation.

Five hyper-parameters determine the simulated dataset: min_size, data_amount, iid_fraction, tran_test_split, and user.

user is a boolean that determines whether to partition the dataset to train test group by user or samples. user: True means partitioning users of the dataset into train-test groups, i.e. some users are for training, some users are for testing. user: False means partitioning each users’ samples into train-test groups, i.e. data in each client is partitioned into training set and testing set.

Note: we normally use test_mode: test_in_clients for these two datasets.

IID Simulation

In IID simulation, data are randomly partitioned into multiple clients.

The number of clients is determined by data_amount and iid_fraction.

Non-IID Simulation

Since FEMNIST and Shakespeare are non-IID in nature, each user of the dataset is regarded as a client.

data_amount determine the number of clients participate in training.

CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 Datasets

The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images.

The CIFAR-100 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 100 classes, with 600 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images.

split_type: There are three options for CIFAR datasets: iid, dir, and class.

Three hyper-parameters determine the simulated dataset: num_of_clients, class_per_client, and alpha.

IID Simulation

In IID simulation, the training images of the datasets are randomly partitioned into num_of_clients clients.

Non-IID Simulation

We can simulate non-IID CIFAR datasets by Dirichlet process (dir) or by label class (class).

alpha controls the level of heterogeneity for dir simulation.

class_per_client determines the number of classes in each client.

Customize Datasets

EasyFL also supports integrating with customized dataset to simulate federated learning.

You can use the following classes to integrate customized dataset: FederatedImageDataset, FederatedTensorDataset, and FederatedTorchDataset.

The following is an example that integrates nine person re-identification datasets, where each client contains one dataset.

import easyfl
import os
from torchvision import transforms
from easyfl.datasets import FederatedImageDataset

TRANSFORM_TRAIN_LIST = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.Resize((256, 128), interpolation=3),
    transforms.RandomCrop((256, 128)),
    transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
TRANSFORM_VAL_LIST = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.Resize(size=(256, 128), interpolation=3),
    transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

DATASETS = ["MSMT17", "Duke", "Market", "cuhk03", "prid", "cuhk01", "viper", "3dpes", "ilids"]

# Prepare customized training data
def prepare_train_data(data_dir):
    client_ids = []
    roots = []
    for db in DATASETS:
        data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, db, "pytorch")
        roots.append(os.path.join(data_path, "train_all"))
    data = FederatedImageDataset(root=roots,
    return data

# Prepare customized testing data
def prepare_test_data(data_dir):
    roots = []
    client_ids = []
    for db in DATASETS:
        test_gallery = os.path.join(data_dir, db, 'pytorch', 'gallery')
        test_query = os.path.join(data_dir, db, 'pytorch', 'query')
        roots.extend([test_gallery, test_query])
        client_ids.extend([f"{db}_gallery", f"{db}_query"])
    data = FederatedImageDataset(root=roots,
    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = {...}
    data_dir = "datasets/"
    train_data, test_data = prepare_train_data(data_dir), prepare_test_data(data_dir)
    easyfl.register_dataset(train_data, test_data)

The folder structure of these datasets are as followed:

|-- MSMT17
|   |-- pytorch
|   |  	  |-- gallery
|   |     |-- query
|   |     |-- train
|   |     |-- train_all
|   |     `-- val
|-- cuhk01
|   |-- pytorch
|   |  	  |-- gallery
|   |     |-- query
|   |     |-- train
|   |     |-- train_all
| ...

Please email us if you want to access these datasets with:

  1. A short self-introduction.

  2. The purposes of using these datasets.

⚠️ Further distribution of the datasets are prohibited.

Create Your Own Federated Dataset

In case that the provided federated dataset class is not enough, you can implement your own federated dataset by inherit and implement FederatedDataset.

You can refer to FederatedImageDataset, FederatedTensorDataset, and FederatedTorchDataset on how to implement.

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